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What is Canvas?

Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by the College for all online courses and to enhance many traditional courses.  An LMS is a virtual space for instructors and students to share information.

To access your online courses using Canvas, click here, then enter your user name and password.

What day and time do I have to be online? How do online courses work?

Students in online courses need not be online on any particular day or at any particular time, but the course is not self-paced. Instead, students will work to deadlines indicated by the instructor, and complete the assigned work and interact in discussion forums within those time frames.


If you are in a Remote Live section you will have specific days/times that you have to sign on.

When will I be able to access my online course?

You typically will not have access to your courses in Canvas until the first day of the semester unless the instructor opens the course earlier.  You are automatically enrolled into Canvas when you registered for a course(s). If you register on the first day of class or after that date, it may take up to one full business day before access to that course(s) is available. Brookdale updates the information on a daily basis, not instantaneously.

What is the tuition for online courses?

Students pay in-county tuition for online courses no matter where they live. Students pay regular tuition and fees, plus a $25.00 per course distance education fee to support the 24/7 Help Desk.

Is orientation mandatory?

Attendance at orientation is strongly recommended for all online students, particularly first-time, online students. Faculty will expect students to know how to navigate in Canvas, and show that they understand what it takes to be a successful online student. Orientations are offered virtually.

Are tutorials available online?

All students currently enrolled in a fully online course are also enrolled in a Canvas course, Online Student Resources, where they have access to Canvas tutorials and Brookdale-specific information to help them be successful. If a student doesn’t see the course on their dashboard, they should click Courses on the left–hand navigation.

I have a learning disability. Where can I get help?

The Disability Services Office provides reasonable academic accommodations to qualified students on a case by case basis after review of the student’s documentation and ensures equal access to all programs and activities. Use this website for further information here.

Teaching & Learning Center | 732-224-2089 |