Sherri Vanderspiegel 732-224-2522

Student Life & Activities

Thursdays, 11:30am – 1pm, in PAC 101

Social Media
Instagram: @brookdale.improv.troupe

Statement of Purpose
We, the students of Brookdale Community College, having an interest in theatrical events, i.e. plays and workshops, believing that drama is a vital and constructive force in society, feeling that an organization which presents and opportunity for a student body to become more intimately acquainted with techniques of theatrical events is a necessary element in the process of a liberal education, intending to provide a program for the production and promotion of the college community, the cultural exchange of events with other institutions, the development of experimental workshops, the enrichment of creative talents, the goal of high aesthetic values, the responsibilities of resenting the college throughout communities, and in any other situation pertaining to the role of theatrical events in our society, do hereby assume and promote the responsibilities of the said program under provisions which follow, and subject to regulations, do hereby establish this constitution of the Organization of the Associated Students of Brookdale Community College, Known as Theater Club.

Club Constitution