MESSAGE TO USERS: As of 7/1/24, If you need to place a hold, please contact the circulation desk. or 732-224-2935

What is a “Hold”?

When you place a book on hold at the library, your name is placed on a waiting list of individuals who wish to check out the book. A hold also allows you to specify that your book(s) be delivered to the main campus or the higher education centers. If you place a hold on a book and the person who currently has it wishes to renew it, s/he will not be allowed to do so because the hold will prevent the renewal. You will be notified by e-mail or phone when your hold is available. You may place a hold at the circulation desk, at the library computers, or from home via the library’s online catalog.

How do you place a “Hold”?

Email or call the library circulation desk at 732-224-2935

Questions? Contact the Circulation Desk at 732-224-2935 or email