Every two years, the Brookdale community selects a global issue that will guide GCP in a cycle of programming and events that spans four semesters. During the final semester of this programming cycle, as a capstone to our global theme, GCP organizes a “Global Read,” which provides our community with a common intellectual experience centered on a text that addresses the current theme. The Global Read bridges academic silos by asking students and faculty to examine textual content through their respective disciplinary lenses and come together for events and discussions. Clubs and community members are welcome to participate in all GCP-sponsored programming that accompanies the Global Read.


The Book of Joy by Doug Abrams, the Dalai Lama, and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Copies are on reserve at the Bankier Library for student use.)
Multidisciplinary Teaching Resource for The Book of Joy
Transcending Divisions Research Guide

QR code the Big Joy challenge

One World: Environmental Issues (Fall 2019 – Spring 2021)

Everything Change An Anthology of Climate Fiction Vol. 1
Multidisciplinary Teaching Resource for Everything Change


Immigrants and Refugees (Fall 2019 – Spring 2021)

Pointed Toward the Sun (click for PDF)
Pointed Toward the Sun–Summary of Content


Global Health (Fall 2015 – Spring 2017)

Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder


GCP Foundational Text

A Path Appears by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
A Path Appears–Multidisciplinary Teaching Resource

