SLC, Room 208
Parking lot #7 to Student Life Center
How do we stay grounded in challenging times? Stress can have profound effects on us emotionally and physically. However, we have enormous potential to learn and utilize tools to protect ourselves. Develop skills for coping with life’s stressors that have knocked us off balance and return to center. Learning how to embrace anxiety and fear and find joy while living with the uncertainty and stress of being human is more important now than ever.
Discussion Moderator, Dr. Cheryl Bartholomew, is a psychologist and professor who has taught at SUNY | Upstate NY, George Mason, and Monmouth Universities. She has received the Chancellor’s award for excellence in teaching, the Martin Luther King Humanitarian award, Outstanding Women in Virginia, and the National Curriculum and Development award (AERA). Her curriculum has been adopted throughout the U.S., four additional countries, and by the Peace Corps. She has authored over 40 articles in professional journals, and her media appearances include NPR and CBS News.
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