
Find a Book?

To find a book, go to the Bankier Library Catalog. When you bring up the Bankier Library Catalog, it is automatically set to do a Keyword search. You can use the pull-down menu to change your search type.

Find an article on my topic

(1) Go to the library home page, click on the Databases and Articles under the “Research Tools” menu.

(2) You can select databases by title or by subject.

(3) Once you have selected a database, type in your search terms, and you will obtain a list of citations that pertain to your topic. Each database is different. Please ask a librarian if you need help.

(4) After you identify articles that you want to read, the next step is to locate the actual articles. Some of these articles may be available full-text in HTML, PDF or plain text format online. Others will simply point you to appropriate materials, which may be housed in the Bankier Library.

(5) With the article citations, you can search the Bankier Library Catalog to find out if the Library has the journal that you are looking for.

(6) If the journal is not available through Bankier Library in print or electronically, you may order the article by filling out an Interlibrary Loan request.

Find a book or article that my professor has put on reserve

Reserve materials may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S. Code). Further distribution of electronic reserve documents is prohibited.

Reserves by Course

Reserves by Instructor

Find out if the library has a particular journal available in full electronic text

Click here to find out if the Library has a particular journal available in electronic full text text

Find out if the Library has a particular journal available in print.

Click here to find out if the Library has a particular journal available in print.


Use NoodleTools to create a Reference / Works Cited list?

NoodleTools User Guide (pdf)

Use Library resources on my mobile device?

Some library resources now have apps for use on mobile devices or have web pages that are optimized for mobile use:

You can use AccessScience from your mobile device, tablet or laptop even when you are not connected to Brookdale’s network.
To access: Download a Roaming Passport on your mobile device.

Artstor Mobile
Mobile interface for searching and browsing Artstor’s digital images.
To access: Go To Artstor Mobile on your mobile device. (In order to use ARTstor Mobile, you must have registered for a free ARTStor account. Go to Bankier Library’s Artstor Digital Library. Click on the register link in the top right corner.)

EBSCOhost Mobile
Mobile interface for searching and browsing EBSCOhost databases.
To access: Go to EBSCOhost Mobile on your smartphones. Select a database to search. Click here for Help and information.
Note that iPad and some tablet users continue to be directed to the desktop version, as this version of the interface is fully functional on these devices.

LexisNexis Academic
Mobile interface for searching and browsing LexisNexis Academic database.
To access: Go to LexisNexis Academic Mobile on your mobile device.

Mobile interface for searching and browsing MedlinePlus database.
To access: Go to MedlinePlus on your mobile device.

WorldCat Mobile Web Beta
Mobile interface for WorldCat, a catalog of books, videos, manuscripts, and other materials held by libraries worldwide.
To access: Go to WorldCat Mobile Web on your mobile device.

Use eBooks on EBSCOhost / ProQuest Ebook Central?

Research Guide: eBooks.

Look up my Brookdale email / Webadvisor / Canvas login & password?

Go to MyBrookdale NetID System to look up your account and change/reset your password.

Get help with writing my paper?

The Writing Center offers academic support to any Brookdale student enrolled in any Brookdale course that requires writing.


Access the Library databases from off-campus/home?

Research Guide: Connecting from off-campus/home.

Obtain an article that is NOT available through the Library?

Borrow from other libraries.

Obtain a book that the Library does NOT have in its collection?

Borrow from other libraries.

Review my library record or renew my checked-out items?

Click here to review your library record or renew your checked-out items

About the Library

Obtain a Library Card?

Your Brookdale Community College photo ID card (OneCard) is also your Bankier Library card. The OneCard production office is currently closed. Students wishing to get a College ID card must utilize the online photo submission process.

Click here for more information.

Find my Library barcode?

For Brookdale students, faculty and staff:
Go to MyBrookdale NETID System to look up your 14-digit library barcode.

For all others with a Brookdale library courtesy card:
Your library barcode is on your Brookdale library courtesy card.

Print and make photocopies in the Information Commons?

Printing/Copying in the Information Commons

Buy a Guest OneCard for photocopying and printing?

A guest OneCard can be obtained from the PHIL Station, near the Information Commons Help Desk. The PHIL Station (an ATM type machine) is a dedicated station that can dispense guest OneCards. All library users are able to add value to their OneCards by depositing cash or using a debit or credit card at the station.

If you need to get dollar bills from larger bills, there is a bill dispenser machine, on the other side of the PHIL Station. The bill dispenser machine accepts $5, $10 and $20 bills and gives back $1’s.

Find somewhere to study quietly? Or study with other students?

There are individualized study carrels and small tables on second floor.

Group study rooms (16 on the second floor and 2 on the first floor) are available for more than one person. Reservations may be required and should be made, in person, at the circulation desk. Read more about the Group Study Room Policy.