Brookdale Community College student Antonette Rutigliano has won a brand-new Lenovo laptop after participating in the college’s Technology Usage and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) survey. The survey, aimed at assessing student perspectives on technology needs and the potential transition to a BYOD model, garnered an impressive response rate thanks to the generous incentive provided by Lenovo.

The BYOD survey invited students to share their insights on existing technological resources, support services, and potential improvements. It also gauged opinions on the feasibility and impact of a BYOD model, which would allow students to use their personal electronic devices for academic purposes. Participants had the opportunity to enter a random drawing to win a state-of-the-art Lenovo laptop, provided through Lenovo’s seed program, which supports institutions in evaluating new technology.

Antonette, a psychology major in her second semester at Brookdale, was excited to learn she was the lucky winner among nearly 500 student respondents. Accompanied by her mother for the official laptop presentation, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity and shared her enthusiasm for the college’s technological initiative.

“I saw the survey and thought, why not? It was a great opportunity to provide input, and I never expected to win,” Antonette said. “Having my own laptop will definitely make my studies more convenient.”

Brookdale’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) played a pivotal role in organizing the survey, which saw an unprecedented response compared to similar initiatives at peer institutions. “We typically struggle to get student participation in surveys, but with such an attractive prize, we received responses from about 5% of our student body—an outstanding turnout,” said OIT Manager John Venta. “For comparison, a similar survey conducted by another college, which has three times the number of students, received only a fraction of the responses.”

The survey results will guide Brookdale’s ongoing discussions about implementing a BYOD model. Preliminary findings indicate that many students support the concept, citing benefits such as familiarity with their own devices and increased accessibility. However, concerns such as security, software compatibility, and technical support were also highlighted and will be considered in future planning.

Lenovo’s generous laptop donation underscores the company’s commitment to educational institutions and technological advancement. The newly unveiled laptop, which features an upgraded webcam and enhanced functionality, is not yet in circulation at Brookdale.

As Brookdale explores the next steps in its technology strategy, students like Antonette Rutigliano exemplify the importance of student engagement in shaping the college’s future. Congratulations to Antonette and thank you to all the students who participated in the survey to help enhance Brookdale’s technological landscape.