Brookdale Professor Laura McCullough-Thoms Publishes New Poems, Reflects on Caregiving Journey in Latest Manuscript

Laura McCullough-Thoms, MFA, a professor at Brookdale Community College and a Doctor of Medical Humanities candidate at Drew University, continues to make waves in the literary world. Her poems “If Mushrooms Could Speak” and “Closing the Pond for Winter” have recently been accepted for publication by Samyfiftyfour Literary and Cumberland Review, respectively.

McCullough-Thoms describes “If Mushrooms Could Speak” as an exploration of the mycelium network in fungi, drawing an analogy between this vital underground web and the connections between family, ancestry, and lineage. The poem reflects her ability to weave natural and personal themes, shedding light on the biological and emotional networks sustaining life.

“Closing the Pond for Winter,” on the other hand, is part of a series of poems inspired by her efforts to save her father’s fish during his critical illness. This poem uses the changing seasons as a metaphor for the cycles of life and death. McCullough-Thoms also notes that the poem “makes a handshake” with the work of other poets, particularly Mark Doty’s poignant reflections on love and loss. The poem encapsulates a tender moment, balancing between caring for her father’s fish and facing the uncertainty of her father’s own future.

Laura’s dad

These poems are part of McCullough-Thoms’ newest manuscript, The Resurrection Jar, which she dedicated to her father. Written during his final days, the collection explores themes of family, caregiving, and the necessity of pre-grief and grief. “This collection wades through much of the same muck and love towards something like acceptance, maybe even forgiveness. The book is ultimately about love, even when it’s hard,” she says. Several of the poems from this manuscript have already been accepted by journals and magazines since her dad passed away last December.

In addition to her creative success, McCullough-Thoms is developing Care for the Caregivers, a support group program for the Caroline Huber Holistic Wellness Center at Brookdale. As a Fellow in Brookdale’s Center for Transformative Learning, she is also working on a faculty peer coaching initiative. Both programs reflect her focus on emotional health, empathy, and the profound connections that exist between care, grief, and healing.