Reverse Transfer
Why should you be interested in reverse transfer?
- Demonstrates to future employers your ability to complete things you started
- Receive recognition for all of the time and effort you spent at Brookdale
- Listing multiple degrees on your resumé
- You earned it!
Reverse Transfer Policy
Students who complete a minimum of 45 credits at Brookdale Community College toward a degree and transfer to another accredited college or university are eligible to have future credits earned at the institution to which they transfer apply towards the completion of their Brookdale associate degree.
Students must have completed at least half of their credits from their program (major); as well as, at least half of their total degree credits at Brookdale. A student can reverse transfer up to 15 credits from another accredited institution toward a Brookdale degree. The proposed credits will be reviewed, evaluated, and may be applied toward a degree program effective in the College Catalog when the student was last enrolled.
The Reverse Transfer Application must be submitted with an official transcript within four year since the student’s last completed term at Brookdale. In exceptional circumstances, an appeal may be made to the Vice President of Learning. Additionally, the student must follow the College Regulation 6.1003R, governing “Transfer Credit.”
Steps to Take
- Complete the Reverse Transfer Application / Transfer Request Form and forward it to your college or university’s Registrar’s Office to request your official transcript(s) be sent to Brookdale’s Admissions Office – attach this form to your transcript.
- Once we receive your transcript, Brookdale will evaluate your courses to see if you are eligible to earn an Associate’s degree in a program effective in the College Catalog when you were last enrolled.
- You will be notified of the evaluation outcome via email to your home school email address.
- If you are eligible to receive your Associates degree you will be notified, via email, to complete an online graduation application.
- Once your graduation application is received and complete you will be flagged for Brookdale’s next eligible graduation.
- Click Graduation Information for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Am I guaranteed a degree from Brookdale?
No, sending your transcript to Brookdale does not guarantee the granting of a degree. The courses you take at your four year institution will be evaluated by Brookdale’s Recruitment Services Office; Brookdale will determine the eligibility of an associate’s degree.
2. How much does reverse transfer cost?
There may be some costs associated with reverse transfer, however Brookdale does not charge you for the reverse transfer process. Your current college or university may charge you a transcript request fee.
3. May I participate in Brookdale’s commencement ceremony?
Absolutely! Earning a degree is a major accomplishment and should be celebrated! Brookdale has degree conferral dates in January, May, June, August and December, and one commencement ceremony held in May. Once you have completed the online graduation application and have been cleared for graduation, you will receive information about the May ceremony via email.