What services does the Accessibility Services Office provide?
The Accessibility Services Office provides reasonable academic accommodations to qualified students on a case by case basis after review of the student’s documentation and ensures equal access to all programs and activities.
Will my recent IEP or 504 plan be sufficient documentation to support the existence of a disability and the need for reasonable academic accommodations?
Generally no. An IEP or 504 plan are resources that can help identify services used by the student in the past. However and IEP or 504 plan alone is not sufficient documentation to support the existence of a current accessibility need for reasonable accommodations. Educational testing and or medical documentation (depending on the accessibility need) that reflect current level of academic performance and/or functioning will be required to determine eligibility and assist in developing accommodations.
Will my professor be aware of my disability?
No. By law, the Accessibility Services Office is not permitted to release educational or medical information to faculty without the student’s consent. Students should also note that there will be no indication the student used accommodations in the student’s transcript.
Does the professor have the right to deny my accommodations?
Yes. If a professor believes the approved accommodation will jeopardize the integrity of the course, he or she has the right to deny the accommodation. Generally, students who follow the procedure to access accommodation in the classroom are entitled to accommodations noted on the Alert Form.
Does the Accessibility Services Office or Brookdale Community College provide transportation for students with accessibility needs?
No. Students are responsible for arranging transportation regardless of their accessibility status. Public transportation through New Jersey Transit is available. Students with accessibility needs who qualify may also be eligible for Access Link. Access Link provides transportation for people with accessibility needs who are unable to use the local fixed route bus. Please contact Access Link at 1-800-955-2321 for additional information.
Where is your office located?
The Accessibility Services office is located on the Lincroft campus in the Main Academic Complex, MAC 111.
How can I contact you?
We can be reached by: 732-224-2730 (Voice) • 732-842-4211 (TTY) • 732-530-7417 (FAX)
We can be reached individually as well:
Ernest Oversen, Director, 732-224-2729 eoversen@brookdalecc.edu
Trupti Ashar, Senior Office Assistant, 732-224-2730 tashar@brookdalecc.edu
Brenda Spielzinger, Hourly Office Assistant, 732-224-2663 bspielzinger@brookdalecc.edu