Clubs and Honors

Student Nurse Association and Nursing Honor Society


Brookdale Community College Student Nurse Association

The purpose of the Student Nurses Association is to encourage professional development for the student nurse. The organization represents students to the college and encourages student participation in student activities, recruitment efforts, and extracurricular educational opportunities. The SNA holds meetings at least twice per semester. These meetings often include a guest speaker whose area of expertise involves an aspect of health care. All students enrolled in the Nursing program are expected to join the Brookdale SNA.

For Club Advisors, Club Officers, Scheduled Meeting Times and additional information, go to: The email for the SNA is:


Nursing Honor Society

Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society

In the spring of 2012, the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) approved the formation of a national honor society for Associate Degree Nursing Programs to be known as Alpha Delta Nu. Brookdale is chartered as the Alpha Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Nu.


To be considered for membership, a student must meet all of the following requirements:

Students who meet eligibility requirements will be invited for consideration for induction during the first eight weeks of NURS 271. Participation is optional.


If the student wishes to join Alpha Delta Nu, the following are the expectations:


To request a tutor from PRN PALS
