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I. Title of Regulation

Honors at Brookdale

II. Objective of Regulation

To provide an enriched academic experience and an honor society to a high-achieving, talented population of qualified students enrolled in Brookdale Community College.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Policy 6.1000, Admissions

IV. Regulation Statement

Brookdale Community College, as an open admissions institution, continues to serve the needs of a diverse population, including our academically talented students. To serve the needs of our highest achievers who can benefit from the challenge and stimulation of a rigorous curriculum in which depth as well as breadth of content is contained, Honors at Brookdale is offered.

Honors at Brookdale is composed of three options:

A. The first option is an academic curriculum based in highly transferable general education courses comprising 18 credits. The curriculum emphasizes global
awareness, cultural experiences, and local community engagement.

B. The second option is a 9-credit Certificate of Honors Recognition, which consists of 9 credits of Honors classes.

C. The third option is the Alpha Pi Theta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honors society for two-year college students. Membership in this
society is based on academic and service-oriented criteria established by the officers and members of the chapter.

Students are encouraged to participate in both the curriculum options and the honors society, but neither is mandatory for participation in the other.

The objectives of Honors at Brookdale follow:

A. To challenge students to higher academic achievement;
B. To provide students opportunities for more rigorous, in-depth inquiry not covered in the usual college curriculum;
C. To increase opportunities for interdisciplinary studies;
D. To offer honors students the opportunity to be challenged by their peers;
E. To give recognition to honors students for their achievement; and
F. To increase transfer and scholarship opportunities for our students.

The academic curriculum is composed of honors sections of general education courses.

To graduate from the Honors Program, students are required to take 18 credits. Freshmen complete a 12-credit foundation year of general education courses. An Honors study abroad experience between freshman and sophomore year is highly encouraged but not required. In their sophomore year, students finish their Honors requirements and work on a capstone project.

Eligibility for Honors at Brookdale academic curriculum follows:

A. Students must have completed their New Jersey College Basic Skills requirements.
B. To qualify for honors courses directly after graduating from high school students must meet one of the following requirements:

1. SAT combined score of over 1100; or
2. High school GPA of at least 3.5; or
3. Graduation in the top 20% of their class.
4. Submission of an essay of 500-800 words on “How will the Honors Program at Brookdale Community College enhance your education?”

To graduate from Brookdale with an honors designation on their transcript, students must successfully complete 18 credits in honors courses and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President of Educational Services

Revised: 8/15/00
Approved: 5/01
Effective: 5/01
Updated: 3/09
Revised: September 2010