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I. Title of Regulation

Course and Program Listing in Catalog and Master Schedule

II. Objective of Regulation

To assure that the Master Schedule and Catalog accurately list course and program offerings.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Policy No. 5.0007

IV. Regulation Statement

Since it is most important that the Master Schedule and the Catalog accurately reflect course and program offerings, the following will apply:

All new courses and programs must be listed in the department program plans which are developed in the Fall. Such program plans need the approval of the Academic Division Dean and the Executive Vice President for Educational Services.

Following the Executive Vice President’s approval, new programs and courses may be listed in the Master Schedule and in the Catalog.

It will be the responsibility of the Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs to see to the removal of such courses and programs from the proofs of the Catalog and it will be the responsibility of the Registrar to see to their removal from the proofs of the Master Schedule, should such courses and programs fail to receive appropriate approval. In addition, all new courses, consistent with College Regulation 5.0007, must achieve the level of course development indicated in that Regulation before being offered.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President 6/18/74
Effective: 6/18/74
Revised: 10/18/77
Updated: 10/2011