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I. Title of Regulation

Student Grade Submissions

II. Objective of Regulation

To assure that students receive grades promptly and accurately.

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(m)

IV. Regulation Statement

At the end of every semester Electronic Grade Forms will be completed by appropriate faculty and entered in the College’s current electronic system. The Registrar will designate the exact time the grade forms are to be completed electronically which will be five consecutive days following the last day of instruction exclusive of Federal Holidays.

The Registrar will notify the Academic Division Deans or other relevant supervisors of any grades not turned in by the due date. The supervisors will take steps to get the missing grades turned in as soon as possible.

The Registrar will be responsible for processing all grades in a timely manner.

Grades will be processed within 24 hours of their submission so that students may access their grades on line.

Incomplete grades will be changed to F grades after 21 days exclusive of official college closings unless a Change of Grade has been submitted by the instructor.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President for Educational Services