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I. Title of Regulation
Annual review of Laboratory Fees
II. Objective of Regulation
To establish a clear process for the establishment of Laboratory Fees for certain courses.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Policy No. 4.1000
IV. Regulation Statement
Board Policy on the subject of Laboratory Fees reads as follows: “Laboratory Fees may be assessed for certain courses for the purpose of defraying the high cost of consumable supplies, breakage, repair, and replacement of equipment. The President shall be authorized to determine these courses and assess fees accordingly.” In light of this policy, courses will be selected and a schedule of fees determined in the following manner:
The Institute Deans will recommend those courses for which Laboratory Fees should be charged and the amount of the fee. In making this recommendation, the Deans will receive recommendations and input from the appropriate functional teams. The Institute Deans will make their recommendations to the Vice President for Educational Services who will make recommendations to the President. The President will then determine the courses and assess the fees as indicated in Board Policy. Each year in January, the Deans will review this matter and update their recommendations to the Vice President. This matter will be settled prior to the printing of the master schedule. Recommendations concerning Laboratory Fees should take cognizance of the purpose of such fees indicated in the Board Policy. No fee should be recommended for those items which students may purchase on their own, nor should fees be recommended to cover the cost of textbooks or printed material. Any exceptions to the above should be recommended to the President by the Vice President for Educational Services. Laboratory Fees will be assessed at the time of registration by the Office of Admissions and Records.
Laboratory Fees will be collected by the Accounting Department. By November 1st each year, based on the official annual audit, the Office of Campus Services shall provide the Vice President for Educational Services an analysis of the previous years actual expenditure regarding funds expended for the purpose
for which Laboratory Fees are assessed.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President
Effective: 7/10/74
Revised: 9/1/75