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I. Title of Regulation
3.9007R Staffing of Faculty Positions
II. Objective of Regulation
To establish a fair and equitable staffing process to hire quality faculty while assuring an aggressive commitment to a faculty that represents the diversity of our student population.
III. Authority
New Jersey Statutes: County Colleges, 18A-64A-12(f) and (g), General Powers of Boards and Board of Trustees Policy, 3.0001 – Staffing and Hiring.
IV. Regulation Statement
This regulation provides the framework for the hiring of full-time faculty, consistent with the Board’s policy on Staffing and Hiring to achieve and maintain a professional, highly trained, and diverse workforce, reflective of our student body. As required by policy, no recommendation shall be set forth from any external search until a comprehensive and impartial recruitment effort has been made to secure fully qualified individuals from a diverse pool of applicants.
Although exceptions may be made upon the recommendation of the President, these will be limited to times when the unique and/or urgent needs of the College require the immediate appointment of a qualified candidate.
The starting salary for faculty hires will be within the entry-level range (typically up to 5 units of credit) for the “Instructor” level rank. Some flexibility on establishing a starting salary or initial rank for all full-time positions may be allowed in consideration of market factors and in accordance with provisions identified in the collectively bargained agreements. If a faculty applicant has more experience than the instructor rank permits, the applicant will be offered a position at the Assistant Professor rank at the minimum of the rank. Any request to hire above entry-level rank from the outset in consideration of market conditions must be justified and approved by the President prior to posting the position.
Positions Covered
This regulation is to be used in filling all full-time faculty positions, whether new or existing.
Although not required to follow this regulation for reassignments, transfers or filling temporary or adjunct positions, it is expected that the College will continue to strive toward its commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and excellence in the filling of these positions.
Exceptions to extend a temporary assignment beyond one (1) year requires the approval of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO); exceptions to extend a temporary assignment beyond two (2) years requires the approval of the President.
Role of the Interview Committee
The Interview Committee serves a crucial role in the staffing process. The Interview Committee provides input on hiring criteria, may identify discipline specific recruitment sources, may provide feedback and suggestions for interview questions, assists in identifying candidates for interviews, interviews and recommends candidates (preferably 3), in alpha order, to the appropriate Hiring Manager and the Recommending Officer, for potential hire. At each step of the process, the Interview Committee provides the expertise and knowledge of their discipline to enable the Human Resources Department to implement the staffing regulations.
Time Frame
The hiring/staffing cycle may last several months, from pre-determination to Board of Trustee action. The Board of Trustees normally meets once a month, and the Board must take formal action to authorize the hire of faculty upon the President’s recommendation. The scheduling of interviews and the review and recommendation process should be developed with Board meeting deadline dates in mind. The Board materials are due to Human Resources 2-3 weeks before the Board meeting date.
Prior to the start of the recruitment process, the Hiring Manager will establish a schedule for committee and finalist interviews and for the tentative job offer to be made, pending Board approval.
Applicant Pool – Candidates who have applied to the vacant position. The Chairperson of the Interview Committee and the HR Employment Manager will review the applicant pool to identify qualified applicants. Qualified applicants will be provided to the Interview Committee by the Human Resources Department for selection of those to be interviewed.
Background Check –All candidates for employment positions at the College must undergo a background check and have certain credentials verified as a condition of employment. Initiated by Human Resources, the background check may include driver’s license verification if required for the position, employment and credential verification, and criminal history, sex offender, and prohibited parties check, and any other checking deemed appropriate for the position. See Regulation 3.0004R. (make this a hyperlink)
Hiring Manager – The supervisor over the position being filled is normally the Hiring Manager but may be another employee of the unit designated by the Recommending Official. Serves as liaison between the Human Resources Department and the Recommending Official throughout the hiring/staffing process. Completes reference checks on finalist(s). The Hiring Manager may also identify discipline-specific advertising sources to the HR Employment Manager.
Hiring Rank – Instructor – Faculty positions shall normally be filled at the “Instructor” rank which is an entry level rank. Applicants are given units of credit for experience, after attainment of the minimum education requirement, for Instructor level positions. Credit shall be given for years of experience above the minimum required, not to exceed 5 units of credit.
Hiring Rank – Assistant Professor – If experience exceeds the hiring range for Instructor rank, the candidate may be hired as an Assistant Professor, at the minimum of the rank. If market conditions warrant a posting in excess of the Instructor rank from the outset, this approval must be given by the President prior to the approval to post the position. Hiring will be at the minimum of the rank when above the Instructor level.
Internal Posting – a vacancy that is only open to full-time employees for a limited period of time before a decision is made whether or not to open the position to external candidates.
Interview Committee – Subject to the final approval of the Recommending Official, the Hiring Manager shall designate the Interview Committee, including the Chairperson. The membership of the committee should be limited to three but may be expanded, not to exceed seven. Committee membership larger than seven (7) must be specifically approved by the Recommending Official. Membership should include employees with diverse but relevant backgrounds with a majority having considerable expertise or knowledge of the requirements of the position under consideration. The committee may identify discipline-specific advertising sources to the HR Employment Manager. In collaboration with the HR Employment Manager and the Interview Committee Chairperson, the committee assists in developing and finalizing interview questions. Committee membership may include one Brookdale student whose course of study is relevant to the requirements of the position.
The Interview Committee identifies and interviews selected candidates. Immediately following the interviews, the committee Chairperson is responsible for summarizing and delivering, in writing, the strengths and weaknesses of acceptable candidates (preferably 3), in alpha order, that the committee wishes to forward to the Hiring Manager and the Recommending Official for consideration.
Interviews, First Round – First round interviews may be conducted virtually and will be sufficiently in-depth to narrow the candidate pool. This preliminary interview should last approximately 30-45 minutes. The committee then determines potential hires for formal on-campus interviews/teaching demonstrations.
Interviews, Second Round – Once the candidate pool has been sufficiently narrowed down, potential hires will be invited to the campus for further consideration and screening by the Interview Committee. These on-campus interviews also introduce the campus and community to the candidates. The in-person interviews should consist of a 30-minute teaching demonstration on a topic that is provided ahead of time to the candidate, followed by follow-up interview questions lasting approximately an additional 30-45 minutes. Ideally, this step will result in the identification of finalists. Only acceptable candidates will be forwarded to the Recommending Official and Hiring Manager.
Interviews, Third-Round – Once the Interview Committee has identified finalists, those finalists will be scheduled for a third and final interview with the Hiring Manager and Recommending Official. At the discretion of the Recommending Official, this interview may be conducted in-person or virtually, and will last up to 60 minutes. Ideally, this step will result in the identification of a selected finalist. The Recommending Official may choose to continue or extend the search if fewer than 3 finalists are recommended by the Interview Committee or if none of the finalists interviewed are acceptable.
Pre-Determination – Prior to posting a position, the Recommending Official must receive approval to fill a vacant position from the VP, Finance and Operations and from the President. If market conditions warrant a posting in excess of the Instructor rank, this approval must be given by the President prior to posting the position. A request for an exception to post and/or hire above the rank of Instructor from the outset must be justified in writing by the Recommending Official, reviewed by HR, and approved by the President prior to posting the position.
Recommending Official – The Recommending Official is the officer below the President in the organizational structure and has final authority to approve members of the Interview Committee designated by the Hiring Manager. The Recommending Official has the authority to identify and recommend approval of the final candidate to the President. The Recommending Official also reviews the references completed by the Hiring Manager before authorizing the HR Employment Manager to make a tentative offer, pending completion of all contingencies, such as a background check, and Board of Trustee approval.
Recruitment Campaign – If a position is advertised externally, the recruitment campaign for permanent full-time faculty positions will involve extensive outreach efforts to broad-reaching and inclusive sources.
Starting Salary/Rank – The starting salary for any hire at the Instructor level will be within the entry-level range (typically up to 5 units of credit) for the “Instructor” level rank. The starting salary for other ranks shall be the minimum salary for the rank. Requests to advertise and hire above the “Instructor” rank from the outset must be supported by written rationale from the Recommending Official, reviewed by Human Resources, and approved by the President.
Travel Expenses – Reimbursement for travel expenses is limited to second and third in-person interviews only.
• For second in-person interviews:
o All travel expenses are reimbursed at 50%.
o Lodging is reimbursed up to the per diem rate if the travel exceeds 60 miles one way or if the interview is scheduled before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m.
o Meals (excluding alcohol) are reimbursed up to the per diem rate.
• For third in-person interviews:
o All travel expenses are reimbursed at 100%.
o Lodging is reimbursed up to the per diem rate if the travel exceeds 60 miles one way or if the interview is scheduled before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m.
o Meals (excluding alcohol) are reimbursed up to the per diem rate.
• Receipts are required for all expenditures requested. Failure to provide receipts will result in non-reimbursement of expenses.
Unit of Credit – The determination made by HR of relevant experience obtained after the attainment of the required degree for the position. Direct/related experience, full-time/part-time experience, and military service are used to calculate a unit of credit. A unit of credit reflects 90% of the average of the most recent 4 annual general wage increases. Military service is treated as related experience up to 4 years.
Vacancy – A vacant position for which a posting has been approved and recruitment activities have been authorized.
Vacancy Announcement – Vacancies shall be posted and shall be advertised if designated as an external search. If positions are designated as “Open until Filled,” a submission date to ensure full consideration will be listed. Postings provide information on the responsibilities and minimum qualifications of the position.
Overview of Key Roles and Responsibilities
Hiring Manager (usually the supervisor of the vacant position but could be someone else designated by the Recommending Official)
• Strives toward commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and excellence in the filling of positions.
• May provide potential discipline specific advertising sources.
• Recommends members and Chairperson of the Interview Committee.
• Checks references of finalist(s).
• Interviews finalists with the Recommending Official
Human Resources Department
• Strives toward commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and excellence in the filling of positions.
• Works closely with Hiring Managers and Recommending Officials to meet their staffing needs.
• Posts vacancies and, if external applicants are solicited, conducts broad and inclusive recruitment advertising.
• Coordinates and processes all applicant correspondence.
• Determines initial starting salary for the finalist.
• Provides training/consultation to the Interview Committee regarding non-discrimination laws, interview questions, and the Board’s unwavering commitment to diversity, as an active, conscious effort to build and to develop diversity within the faculty and staff.
• Finalizes interview questions in collaboration with the committee Chairperson, with assistance from the committee.
• Screens applicants and identifies qualified candidates in collaboration with the Interview Committee Chairperson.
• Coordinates travel/interview dates and times.
• Processes travel reimbursements for candidates, as needed.
• Creates the Employment Recommendation in the applicant tracking system (ATS) and initiates the approval process.
• Makes tentative offer to the candidate, pending Board approval.
• Ensures that all necessary supporting documents are prepared for Board of Trustee action on President’s recommendation.
• Arranges background checks and notifies AVP, Human Resources, of any discrepancies.
• Manages the College’s ATS.
• Maintains all search files and Board material.
• Closes out all searches, including communications with those in the applicant pool.
Interview Committee Chairperson
• Strives toward commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and excellence in the filling of positions.
• Works with HR Employment Manager to identify qualified candidates.
• Presides over all interviews.
• Finalizes interview questions in collaboration with the Employment Manager, with assistance from the committee.
• Acts as host for applicants.
• Ensures committee members attend scheduled meetings/interviews.
• Acts as liaison between Interview Committee and Human Resources.
• Provides written strengths and weaknesses of finalists forwarded to the Hiring Manager immediately following the committee interviews.
Interview Committee
• Strives toward commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and excellence in the filling of positions.
• Presents a positive and professional image of Brookdale.
• Attends pre-interview meeting with Human Resources for charge, orientation, and development of interview questions.
• May provide potential discipline-specific advertising sources.
• Collaborates with the committee Chairperson and the HR Employment Manager to finalize interview questions.
• Selects and interviews candidates. This includes first round interview and second round in-person interview/teaching demonstration.
• Forwards at least three acceptable applicants (in alpha-order) to the Hiring Manager and Recommending Official for further consideration. At the discretion of the Recommending Official, a search may be extended if fewer than 3 finalists are recommended or if none of the finalists are acceptable.
Recommending Official (The College officer below the President unless the President is directly above the immediate supervisor, in which case the President is the Recommending Official)
• Strives toward commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and excellence in the filling of positions.
• Completes the pre-determination phase of the staffing/hiring process.
• Has final approval authority to select the Interview Committee and Chairperson.
• Reviews qualifications of and interviews finalists.
• May extend a search if fewer than 3 finalists are recommended or if none of the finalists are acceptable.
• Recommends appointment to the President for Board approval.
• Requests HR to make a tentative offer of employment, pending Board approval.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Associate Vice President, Human Resources
College Officers
Approved: President 5/98
Revised: 9/2023
Approved: President, 01/17/2024
Revised: 10/2024
Approved: 2/17/2025