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I. Title of Regulation

Establishment of Safety and Health Committee

II. Objective of Regulation

To promote a safe and healthful campus environment

III. Authority

Federal, State and local regulations and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

IV. Regulation Statement

The Safety and Health Committee of the College is an advisory committee to the Executive Vice President for Administration, Operations and Information Technology Services. The responsibility delegated to it is to consider safety and health factors of the College environment and recommend programs and means whereby accident prevention, fire protection, and the preservation of health are promoted among all constituencies of the College.

The committee will consist of 12 members appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Executive Vice President for Administration, Operations and Information Technology Services. Members of the committee will serve a term of three years after initial appointment, with the exception of the Fire Marshall and the Director of Safety and Security, who will be permanent members. Each year three members of the committee will complete their terms. A member can serve only two terms in succession, with the exception of the Fire Marshall and the Director of Safety and Security.

The committee membership will consist of the following representation:

The chairperson will be elected annually by the committee from within its membership and will be without vote except on occasions where a tie ensues over an issue. A quorum will consist of six members of the committee present and representation from at least three groups. A member who is not present at two successive meetings without prior approval of the chairperson is automatically removed from the committee. The committee will meet at least three times each year and submit an annual report every June 30 to the President through the Executive Vice President for Administration, Operations and Information Technology Services.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President for Administration, Operations and Information Technology Services

Approved: President 10/7/80

Effective 10/7/80
Revised : 2/1/84
Approved: President
Effective: 2/1/84
Updated: 2/09