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I. Title of Regulation
Board of Communications
II. Objective of Regulation
To develop and maintain a comprehensive College wide program of communications which will meet the needs and interests of the College.
III. Authority
College Regulation, Section 2.0016R
IV. Regulation Statement
The Board of Communications will be a Joint Board composed of representatives of the student association, faculty and administration. A major emphasis will be placed on a professional program in which all students may take an active part.
A. Membership
The members of the Board of Communications will be:
1. The student Commissioner of Communications who will be selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year and serve as chairman of the board…non-voting except in case of tie.
2. The editor of the College newspaper, the editor of the College yearbook, the editor of “Collage,” and the radio station student programmer.
3. Representatives of two other student-funded publications appointed by the Commissioner of Communications with approval of the Student Senate.
4. Two students at large (not affiliated with any publication) appointed by the ASBCC president.
5. The advisor of the College newspaper and the radio station manager.
6. The Chairman of the Mass and Visual Communications Learning Center.
7. The Student Activities Specialist for Applied Humanities.
8. The ASBCC President or designee.
9. The President of Brookdale Community College or designee.
10. The Director of Publications and Information Services.
11. The Director of Student Life and Activities…ex-officio without vote.
12. The Dean of Applied Humanities…ex-officio without vote.
B. Meetings
Regular or special meetings of the Board of Communications will be called by the chairman.
1. A quorum (simple majority of voting members of Board) must be present to conduct a meeting.
2. Special meetings may be called when requested by four or more members of the Board of Communications.
C. Functions
1. The direct responsibility of the Board of Communications will be to coordinate and promote publications and journalism interests to fulfill the needs and interests of the College community.
2. Review and advise on all problems related to College communications media which are referred to the Board through the Commissioner of Communications.
3. The communications Board will establish a procedure for hearing grievances involving College communications media.
D. Finances
1. The Board of Communications will approve the annual budget for each of the student-funded publications for presentation to the ASBCC Finance Committee and the Institute of Applied Humanities. A special meeting for this purpose will be convened no later than March 15th each year.
2. Review quarterly financial reports for each of the student-funded publications as submitted by the ASBCC Treasurer.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President
Effective: 2/7/73
Revised: 9/1/75