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I. Title of Regulation
Official Recognition of Members of Community and Guests of the College
II. Objective of Regulation
To encourage voluntary service to the College by providing appropriate vehicles for official public recognition to people who assist the College in carrying out its mission.
III. Authority
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034
IV. Regulation Statement
Official recognition will take three forms, generally related to the levels of voluntary service rendered. . . the Honorary Degree of Associate of Arts, the “Jersey Blues” Award, and the Certificate of Appreciation
A. The Honorary Degree of Associate of Arts is the highest level of recognition that can be accorded by the College; the College seeks to honor individuals, who, through their accomplishments or deeds, provide inspiration as role models to our graduating students and support the ideals of the College. The Honorary Degree will be awarded by action of the Board of Trustees and President upon presentation of nominee(s) by selection committee. It will be conferred upon the recipient publicly at the Annual Commencement by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and the recipient will be presented with a suitably inscribed and embellished diploma by the President.
B. The “Jersey Blues” Award will recognize members of the community who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the College as a whole over a substantial period of time. The award will be made at the sole discretion of the President and will be presented publicly by him to the recipient. The award will consist of a certificate of citation and a suitably inscribed, mounted statuette of the Brookdale mascot…a Revolutionary War soldier of the Third New Jersey Regiment, the famed “Jersey Blues.”
C. The Certificate of Appreciation will be awarded to guests of the College and members of the community in recognition of a specific service rendered to the College. The Certificate of Appreciation will be issued by the President upon recommendation of the Executive Director of College Relations.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Director of College Relations
Approved: President 9/24/76
Effective: 1 July 2005