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I. Title of Regulation

Policy Items Requiring Action by the President

II. Objective of Regulation

To identify the functions which require final approval by the President

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(i), Chief Executive Officer.

IV. Regulation Statement

The President, as Chief Executive Officer of the College, is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the operation of the College under the bylaws and policies of the Board. The authority for the day-to-day operation of the College will normally be delegated to the Officers of the College as established in their job descriptions; through goal setting and project assignments, and College Regulations.  Certain functions, while delegated to the Officers of the College, will require final approval by the President and will be submitted to the President in recommendation form for final disposition:

1. Employment of all personnel both academic and non-academic.
2. All contracts excluding those handled under the purchasing policy.
3. Expense accounts of the Officers of the College.
4. Programs not expressly included in the annual budget.
5. Proposals for funds from State, Federal and private agencies.
6. Appropriation of additional funds above and beyond those provided in the budget of a unit.
7. Budget requests for new fiscal year.
8. Back-up sheets and appropriate enclosures for all information and action to be presented to the Board of Trustees.
9. Agenda Items for Board of Trustees meetings.
10. Proposed Board Policies and College Regulations.
11. Advisory Committees and their membership.

In no event will implementation of a project as regards to any of the foregoing items be undertaken prior to official action of the President.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Officers of the College

Approved: President
Effective 2/21/70
Revised: 9/1/75
February 2014
Approved: February 2014