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I. Title of Policy
Student Activities
II. Objective of Policy
To authorize the President to develop comprehensive campus life programming.
III. Authority
N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-12
Bylaws 1.2050 and 1.3054
IV. Policy Statement
Brookdale Community College (“College”) is committed to enhancing the College experience through comprehensive campus life programming. The College seeks to complement educational excellence with social and cultural programs that are student centered. These programs complement the College Mission and support students through their academic journey while improving their interpersonal relationships and providing leadership opportunities.
To facilitate said experience, the administration shall provide comprehensive student and campus life programming which, when appropriate, shall be developed in cooperation with other units of the College.
The student and campus life activities program shall meet the following criteria:
1. It shall be planned and implemented with maximum involvement of students.
2. It shall encompass social and cultural activities and coordinate with intramural and intercollegiate as well as various special purpose organizations developed in response to student interest.
3. It shall include diversity in planned activities.
4. The President shall have the authority to establish the structure for approving organizational activities which are to be recognized by the College.
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5. The student activities program shall be supported, in part, by a student activities fee
Approved: 4/20/70
Revised: 7/12/01
Approved: Board of Trustees, 10/29/2019