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I. Title of Policy

6.3500 Academic Integrity

II. Objective of Policy

To communicate the College’s standards for academic integrity and to authorize the College to address alleged violations of the Academic Integrity Code.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-12.o
Bylaws 1.2050 and 1.3054

IV. Policy Statement

At Brookdale Community College (“College”), students are required to adhere to the highest ethical standards in all their academic endeavors. Effective teaching and learning fundamentally rely on the capacity of members of the academic community to have confidence in the authenticity of academic work submitted for scholarly recognition. Such an environment of mutual trust enables all members of the academic community to work toward realizing their fullest capabilities.

In all academic undertakings, it is essential that students submit only their own genuinely original work on their own behalf and properly recognize the contributions of others. All forms of cheating and plagiarism shall not be tolerated. Therefore, the College shall develop appropriate rules to help ensure student compliance with the standards of academic integrity and procedures that ensure due process to address student actions that violate the College’s established expectations. The specific expectations and procedures are outlined in the College’s Academic Integrity Code 6.3500R.

The President is responsible for administering this Policy and shall develop appropriate Regulations and administrative procedures to assure its implementation.

V. Responsibility for Implementation



Approved: Board of Trustees, 12/19/2023


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