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I. Title of Policy
Naming Rights
II. Objective of Policy
To set standards to ensure that all College buildings, facilities, grounds, spaces, property, awards, programs or other College assets are named in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities and Goals of the College.
III. Authority
New Jersey Statutes: County Colleges, N.J.S.A.18A:64A-12.
IV. Policy Statement
The College seeks to generate private financial support through the Brookdale Community College Foundation by providing opportunities for naming rights in the form of 1) philanthropic support and 2) sponsorships. An articulated Naming Rights Policy will ensure that the reputation and integrity of the College are maintained that provides a framework for seizing new opportunities to generate philanthropic and sponsorship financial support.
The College Board of Trustees authorizes the President to develop regulations to implement rules, standards, and guidelines for the naming of College buildings, facilities, grounds, spaces, property, awards, programs or other assets.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
President, Vice President of Advancement and Board of Trustees
Proposed: 2/21/2013
Approved: 2/21/2013
Replaces previous 2.0001 Naming of Buildings (effective 2/2013)
Approved: Board of Trustees, 10/27/2020
Approved: Board of Trustees, 4/25/2023